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The Research Expanding Access to Child Health (REACH) Center focuses on developing, evaluating, and implementing innovative stakeholder-engaged technology-enhanced interventions and models of care to overcome the complex socioecological factors responsible for inadequate access to healthcare and child health.



REACH is an NIH Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE P20GM144270) at Nemours Children's Hospital, Delaware.

The REACH Center is directed by Anne Kazak, PhD and Melissa Alderfer, PhD of the Nemours Center for Healthcare Delivery Science. It includes two Research Cores and funds multiple research and pilot projects in Delaware.


Intervention Methodology: Provision and Connection Through Technology


Director: Kimberly Canter, PhD

Coordinator: Michelle Goodreau, MPH

The IMPACT Core is a resource for investigators in Delaware who are looking to integrate new technologies or new methodological designs  into their programs of research.


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Pediatric Research Optimizing Methods In Stakeholder Engagement


Director: J.J. Cutuli, PhD

Partnership Coordinator: Tony Collins, BS

PROMISE supports and empowers communities and investigators through mutual engagement by removing barriers to authentic, equity-driven partnership and community-participatory research.


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Research Projects

Mobile Integrated Care for Childhood Obesity (MICCO)

Project Leader: Thao-Ly Phan MD, MPH


MICCO screen.png
MICCO aims to improve the model of care for families of children with obesity living in rural communities by increasing access to evidence-based obesity care and tailoring obesity care to the needs of rural communities.


Rockland Center 1 Suite 100

1701 Rockland Road 
Wilmington Delaware 19803




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